Category: Preventive Dentistry

Smile-safe Stocking Stuffers for Your Whole Family

Christmas is just around the corner, now, meaning that those little gifts you put off purchasing throughout the year, must now be bought and tucked into their stockings hung with care, quickly. Before you panic, though, and certainly before you resort to your usual stocking stuffers, candy, candy, and more candy, take a little advice… Read more »

Protect Your Smile in 2017 with Simple Dental Treatment

As you prepare to step into a new season, namely another calendar year, have you already made resolutions to take better care of yourself? For instance, are you going to eat better, visit the gym more frequently, or simply take more time to enjoy the little things that help to give your life meaning, like… Read more »

Does Your Child Need A Space Maintainer?

Baby teeth save the space and also guide a child’s permanent teeth into place when it is time for them to erupt. If your child loses a baby tooth prematurely, the permanent tooth loses both its space saver and its guide. Therefore, it may erupt into the wrong position. If the adjacent baby teeth shift… Read more »

Can You Do More to Care for Your Smile?

Have you struggled with dental cavities in the past? If so, then you know how painful cavities can become, but also the insecurity that comes along with knowing your smile is in jeopardy. Untreated, what were simple cavities can lead to painful infections, and eventually cause the loss of a tooth. Fortunately, you don’t have… Read more »

Protect Your Smile this Holiday Season

Now that it is time to prepare for the holidays, you may be feeling overwhelmed at all that must be done before you can host Thanksgiving dinner, or see the excitement on your kids’ faces as they find out what Santa brought them this year. That said, it can be all too easy to overlook… Read more »

Can You Eat Your Way to Better Oral Health?

Have you vowed to take better care of yourself this year, by eating better and exercising more? If so, have you considered the positive ways a truly healthy diet can impact your oral health, as well? The teeth are strong, but they are susceptible to acidic erosion, both from diets that are high in acidity,… Read more »

Looking for Healthy Halloween Treats This Year?

Is any fall activity more fun than doling out treats to the costume-clad kids that will greet you at your front door each Halloween? Many adults love this time-honored tradition of sending ghosts, goblins and other trick-or-treaters home with big smiles on their faces. But if you are troubled by the idea of handing out… Read more »

3 Ways to Help Your Kids Maintain Healthy Smiles

As a parent, you probably already take a lot of steps to help ensure your kids stay safe and healthy. For instance, you insist they wear their helmets when riding their bikes, that they eat vegetables that aren’t fried, and that they drink milk to maintain strong bones. But do you sometimes wonder what more… Read more »

Four Simple Tips for a Healthier Smile

Do you want to prevent cavities, gingivitis, bad breath and other common dental problem? Would you like to maintain a beautiful smile, even in between your dental appointments? Are you concerned about losing teeth as you age, due to dental decay, infection, or even gum disease? Would you be delighted to learn that it is… Read more »

Is It Really Possible to Prevent Cavities?

Have you heard the troubling statistics that the vast majority of adults in America will suffer from dental decay? Sadly, it is true that most Americans will deal with the dental caries commonly referred to as cavities. Some studies even indicate that nearly 90 percent of those over age 30 will be diagnosed with dental… Read more »