Protect Your Smile this Holiday SeasonNow that it is time to prepare for the holidays, you may be feeling overwhelmed at all that must be done before you can host Thanksgiving dinner, or see the excitement on your kids’ faces as they find out what Santa brought them this year. That said, it can be all too easy to overlook preventive dental care when you are overwhelmed with other items on your to-do list. If you want to prevent dental problems, though, it is incredibly important to stick to a diligent dental hygiene routine and to take other simple steps to protect your oral health. That way you can have a beautiful and healthy smile throughout the holiday season, and beyond.

Be Mindful of What You Eat

One way you can help to protect your smile is by eating a healthy and well-balanced diet. Just like your body needs vitamins and nutrients to remain strong, your smile also needs healthy ingredients to protect your teeth and gums. Of course, if you are eating too much sugar your smile may still suffer from dental problems like cavities. So limit your sugar intake, to protect your oral health.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water is also crucial to a healthy smile and a healthy body. Saliva limits plaque’s ability to calcify onto the teeth, and water is what helps to create it. So, make sure you drink water throughout each day, to protect your smile, and to stay properly hydrated.

Brushing Is Not Enough

Twice daily tooth brushing is important prevent care. However, it is not enough to adequately protect the smile. That is because bacteria can become stuck in the small crevices between teeth where toothbrush bristles cannot reach. Flossing helps to remove more of these bacteria, better protecting the smile than brushing alone!

Don’t Skip Hygiene or Dental Cleanings

Many people don’t realize that once plaque has calcified onto the surface of their teeth, it can actually only be removed through a professional cleaning. For this reason, it is important to schedule routine dental cleanings, in order to protect the smile! Even during the busy holiday season, don’t neglect these general dental appointments.