Cosmetic Dentistry Might Be Easier Than You Think

The goal of cosmetic dentistry is to give you a smile that you love. When you have confidence in your smile, you have confidence in yourself. Many patients don’t even really explore their cosmetic options because they assume the procedures will be too invasive, expensive, or ineffective. In reality, there are a number of different cosmetic dentistry solutions that your dentist can utilize to give you a beautiful smile that you love. These options are affordable and minimally invasive. Cosmetic dentistry might actually be easier than you think. (more…)

Choose Dental Prosthetics When Preservation Isn’t Possible

Tooth loss affects many adults at some point throughout their lives. It can be the result of neglect, or even of physical accidents. When you lose a tooth, it can be a traumatic, life-altering experience that disrupts your lifestyle habits. When you lose a tooth, there are some cases when you can save the original tooth. If the tooth isn’t damaged, your dentist may be able to reinsert the tooth. However, in cases where preservation of the original tooth isn’t possible, you need to choose a dental prosthetic. The good news is, you have options. (more…)

Here’s Why Teeth Whitening Isn’t Working for You

Teeth whitening can be one of the most enticing cosmetic propositions for improving your smile. It sounds great in theory. Who wouldn’t want a brighter smile? When you actually begin the treatment process though, your results may vary. Many people have a frustrating time with teeth whitening. They either don’t see results at all, or the results they see are only temporary. Over-the-counter whitening treatments can be expensive, making it all the more frustrating when you don’t wind up with results. Here are some of the reasons why teeth whitening might not be working for you. (more…)

How Dental Implants Will Affect Your Jaw Bone

Dental implants are a prosthetic option for tooth replacement. Adults may suffer tooth loss because of extensive bacterial decay, or because of a physical accident. If you’re an individual who battles cavities consistently, you may be at a higher risk for tooth loss. If you do suffer tooth loss for any reason, dental implants can replace your missing teeth and rebuild your smile. Dental implants differ from other prosthetic options in a couple of key ways. One of the most important differentiating factors for dental implants is the way they affect the subject’s jaw bone. (more…)

Children’s Teeth Can Be More Susceptible to Cavities

Part of caring for your child is providing excellent healthcare for them, and that includes dental care. You want to ensure that your child grows up with a full set of healthy teeth. While your little one will eventually lose their baby teeth, the habits — like brushing and flossing — that they form at this age will influence them later in life. You want to start your child off on the right foot, but that can be tough, since children’s teeth are often more susceptible to cavities. In today’s blog, we explore why that’s true, and what you can do about it as a parent. (more…)

Are There Oral Healthcare Best Practices?

Taking care of your teeth should be a huge priority for you. With proper preventive care, you can reduce your risk for cavities and gum disease. You only have one set of adult teeth, so you should aspire to keep them healthy. As you do your best to care for your teeth, you may wonder whether or not there are any oral healthcare best practices to help guide you. There are some general guidelines that you can follow to protect your teeth. However, genetics play a large role in how susceptible to cavities you are, so you may need to tweak those guidelines to fit your own situation. (more…)

Healthy Root Canals Are Crucial for Oral Health

You may only know the phrase “root canal” as it pertains to root canal therapy — the restorative dentistry procedure. Root canal therapy gets a reputation for being one of the more painful treatments, with a longer recovery time. Modern dental technology actually reduces much of the discomfort associated with this procedure, but it is a serious matter. Root canal therapy cleans bacterial infection out of your root canals. Since root canals transport nutrients to and from the jaw, maintaining healthy root canals is crucial for your overall oral health. (more…)

What Does Bruxism Mean for Your Health?

You may not be familiar with the term “bruxism,” but you’ve definitely heard of this condition. Bruxism is an unconscious grinding of the teeth. This condition affects patients while they sleep, and can cause premature wear of the teeth. However, that’s not the only negative that comes with teeth grinding. You may experience a number of health problems if you suffer from bruxism. What makes the condition so difficult to deal with is the fact that you may not even realize that you’re suffering from bruxism, since the condition affects you while you’re asleep. (more…)

Is it Important to Fix Baby Teeth Cavities?

Everyone remembers the first time they discover a loose tooth as a child. For some, it’s an exciting experience, and for others, it’s definitely strange. Losing that first set of teeth is part of growing up, but does it mean that these baby teeth are less important than your adult teeth? If your child’s baby teeth were to have cavities, would it even be worth fixing them? Absolutely, and for a couple of reasons. Cavities are the first sign that things might be going awry with your oral health, and they can indicate the need for additional treatment. Further, childhood cavity development can signal future health risks. (more…)

Does Your Smile Need Just a Touch Up?

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that aims to eliminate imperfections from the appearance of your teeth and give you a smile that inspires confidence. The idea of cosmetic dentistry can scare some patients off because they worry the procedures involved will be invasive or time-consuming. However, there are many cosmetic dentistry treatments that can be completed in just one office visit, or on your own schedule at home. Often times, your smile doesn’t need too much help to look its very best. You may just need a touch up. (more…)