Start Your Child’s Dentist Appointments Early

If you’re raising your first child, you’re engaged in new experiences all of the time. As much as you can try to prepare, there’s nothing like actually caring for a child! You may be wondering about best practices when it comes to any number of topics. In the realm of dentistry, your Cedar Rapids dentist has you covered. You may not be aware of this, but children need dental care from a young age. As soon as your child’s first tooth erupts from his or her mouth, you should begin caring for that tooth. Part of good dental care means scheduling dental appointments. When your child sees a dentist from an early age, they aren’t just receiving a quality cleaning. (more…)

Whip Your Teeth Into Shape with Contouring

Regular maintenance is a practical approach to anything you want to preserve. When you take the long view, it’s easier to make time for a little touch up here and there. When it comes to your teeth, regular maintenance isn’t just a methodology for sustaining the health of your teeth, it can also be taken as a cosmetic approach. A slight cosmetic touch up can do your smile a lot of good. Bonding and contouring are the perfect cosmetic treatments for lightly shaping and touching up your smile. If you’re not familiar with dental bonding and contouring, here’s how these minimally invasive techniques can whip your smile into shape. (more…)

There’s No Age Restriction for Dentures

Most people hear the word “dentures” and they start to picture an elderly person taking an entire set of teeth out of their mouth. However, dentures aren’t an age-dependent treatment, and they aren’t just for complete tooth replacement. There’s no age restriction for dentures, and in fact, they’re a very useful option for tooth replacement if you’ve suffered any degree of tooth loss. Partial dentures can fit around your remaining teeth to create an appearance that matches your original teeth and smile. This is a great option for recovering from extensive, but incomplete tooth loss. Is it time for you to explore dentures and how they could benefit you? (more…)

Get Your New Smile in a Snap

It’s too often that we don’t get what we want or need because we’re worried about the hassle. Inconvenience can prevent you from living your best life. This is a common theme when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. Patients are often worried about undertaking a significant procedure and scheduling multiple appointments. Everyone has a busy schedule, so shifting things around again and again is far from ideal. However, there is a cosmetic solution that eliminates hassle from the process. You can have the bright, beautiful smile you want, without added stress. Professional teeth whitening is a cosmetic fix that can benefit you right away.

Professional Teeth Whitening Doesn’t Involve a Permanent Change Like Veneers

Porcelain veneers are an attractive cosmetic option for many people because they can correct for misshapenness, color, and size, all in one fix. However, in order to receive porcelain veneers, your dentist must lightly shape your teeth and bond the veneers to their surfaces. This represents a more permanent change than some patients are comfortable with. A professional teeth whitening treatment can brighten your smile right away without any surgical procedure. That means you don’t have to make any significant alterations to your existing teeth to enjoy the cosmetic benefit.

Professional Teeth Whitening Covers a Wide Range of Cosmetic Blemishes

Professional teeth whitening is such a popular cosmetic option because it can cover up and adjust such a wide number of cosmetic blemishes. If you’ve got staining or discoloration on your teeth, a professional whitening can correct this condition. What you eat and drink will naturally cause your teeth to fade from white over time. However, it’s not the end of your opportunity to enjoy a perfect smile. Everyone deserves to feel good about their smile. Now, you don’t have to worry about hassle to do so.

Learn More About Snap-On Smile from The Austin Dentist

Cedar Dental is your home for cosmetic dentistry treatment that comes without hassle. You don’t have to let cosmetic blemishes hold you back from feeling good about your smile. Great options like professional teeth whitening are affordable and easy to use. Schedule an appointment for a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA by contacting the office at 319-364-7108.

Asking Questions About Teeth-Whitening

The bad news about some teeth stains is that you can’t always prevent them. Even if you consistently brush and floss your teeth and have them professionally cleaned, they can still develop stains from being exposed to food, beverages, and more. The good news, though, is that even when they do appear, most common teeth stains can be erased just as easily with custom-designed professional teeth-whitening. If your teeth are stained, then ask your dentist if a take-home teeth-whitening kit is right for you. (more…)

Why Dental Implants Are Better for Your Smile

Despite our advancements in dental health and technology, you still can’t grow back a lost permanent tooth. However, with today’s advanced dental prostheses, you can rebuild your smile with such comfortable and lifelike results that it doesn’t have to dramatically impact your quality of life. Whether you need to replace one, several, or all of your teeth, a custom-designed bridge or denture can mimic them with incredible precision. However, even today’s conventional bridges and dentures have limits in how much they can do for your smile, which is why it’s typically better to support them on dental implants rather than more traditional methods. (more…)

A Few Things to Consider About Dental Bridges

Dental bridges have been around for ages, and for good reason. Their design has always effectively helped restore patients’ smiles and their bite function, and today, that design remains similar to the original concept. However, with the help of advanced diagnostic and imaging technology, lifelike dental materials, and innovative prosthetic dental techniques, today’s bridges can offer significant benefits for the long-term health of your smile. Today, we examine a few of the most important things to consider about modern dental bridges and their ability to address the multiple concerns of tooth loss.  (more…)

Things Tooth Extraction Can Fix

The best thing you can do for your smile is to take every measure necessary to preserve your healthy, natural smile. For instance, by simply sticking to a good hygiene routine every day and visiting your dentist as often as recommended, you can prevent most of the issues that threaten your teeth. However, in some extreme cases, the only way to preserve the rest of your healthy teeth is to extract the compromised one before it can cause any more damage. (more…)

3 Important Facts About Root Canals

In the more severe stages of tooth decay, the infection in your tooth can progress beyond the main structure of your tooth, known as dentin. When it does, it can reach the hollow part of your tooth, known as the pulp, along with the nerves and tissues inside of it. These tissues travel from the pulp through the root of the tooth, and root canal treatment focuses on ensuring these structures stay healthy enough to support your tooth. Today, we examine the importance of your root canals, and more importantly, the importance of treating one that’s become affected by internal tooth decay. (more…)