Wake Up To A Better Day

wake up to a better day cedar rapids iaYour sleep plays a real role in your daily experience, and when you are not receiving the rest that you need, it can be difficult wake up and find success. One of the most prevalent reasons that Americans struggle overnight is chronic obstructive sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder that affects up to 30 million Americans. Unfortunately, many of those with this condition don’t even know that they have it, and those who do can have a tough time finding relief with traditional treatment options.

That’s why, at Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, we are proud to offer oral appliance therapy. This innovative approach to oral health improvement treats sleep apnea in a different way than CPAP therapy, using a simple readjustment of your jaw to keep your airway open the entire night through. So, when you’re ready to restore your rest, speak with an advanced, experienced, and trusted team about whether oral appliance therapy is your next step.

Ready to renew your sleep? Wake up rested with an oral appliance solution from Cedar Dental!


Working Toward Healthy Gums

healthy gums cedar rapids iaIf you have started to notice a change in your gums, it is time to call your dentist. This could be a sign of gingivitis or potentially even periodontal disease, and if so, your condition could put the future of your smile at risk. Periodontal disease is routinely identified as the leading cause of adult tooth loss in the US, so there are real implications in ignoring your needs. Working toward healthy gums is a significant step in the right direction.

When you come see Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, you have an oral health team that’s devoted to your smile success. If you have begun to see redness or swelling along your gumline, take the time for a cleaning and examination with our caring, local staff, and find a pathway forward that includes a treatment plan for your gums. Making the effort in your oral healthcare is a big part of staying safe, and we are ready when you are.

Is your gum health where you want it to be? Find out with Sunny Smiles.


See The Smile You Deserve

smile you deserve cedar rapids iaWhen you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see? If you’re like many Americans, then you struggle with your smile, and when that happens, it’s time to talk to a trusted dentist to find out a path forward. With advanced cosmetic dentistry, you can make a change to a more attractive smile, and it all starts with a visit to the office for a checkup. If it’s been longer than six months since your last one, you’re due for a cleaning and examination anyway.

Here at Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, we help people love their smiles. That means that we’re here for your prevention, helping you to avoid tooth decay and periodontal disease with quality checkups. We’re also here to guide you to a more beautiful smile, and we have options to help get you to your smile goals. With a range of cosmetic procedures, including teeth whitening, veneers, and clear aligner therapy.

See the smile you deserve. Start your journey with Cedar Dental!


Sleep Better With Oral Appliance Therapy

sleep better cedar rapids iaDo you wake up feeling tired? If you’re like one of the 30 million Americans who struggles with their sleep due to a common sleep disorder known as chronic obstructive sleep apnea, then it’s important to find a course of treatment that works for you. Sometimes, people try for traditional CPAP therapy, only to find that they cannot handle the noise or discomfort. You need to have a solution that you can be compliant with, and we offer an alternative to help you sleep better.

With Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, you have a dedicated dental team that’s ready to help you improve your rest. Through oral appliance therapy, we work with patients to fight back against obstructive sleep apnea without the need for hoses or wires. Instead, this simple oral appliance gently repositions your jaw to keep the airway free the whole night through. Talk to our team about whether it’s your next step.

Enhance your rest. Call Cedar Dental today.


Plan A Checkup For After The Holidays

Cedar Rapids, IA, dentist offers checkups

The holiday season is upon us, and that means that your schedule is packed with gift shopping, cleaning, cooking, traveling, and more. We understand that this time of year can be busy for many people, and it’s easy to put other things at the bottom of your to do list for now. However, it’s important that you don’t neglect your oral health during this season. Your team at Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, dentist is here today to remind you to schedule a checkup to start the new year on the right foot.


Start The New Year With A Confident Smile

Cedar Rapids, IA, dentist offers veneers

With the end of the year quickly approaching, you may already be planning your resolutions for 2025. If one of those goals is to finally address the blemishes in your smile that make you feel self-conscious, our team is here to help. Cosmetic options such as professional whitening, tooth bonding, and porcelain veneers can help address various problems with the appearance of your pearly whites. In today’s blog, your team at Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, is here to discuss how to get started with porcelain veneers.


Bonding Helps You Feel Confident In Your Smile

Cedar Rapids IA dentist offers cosmetic treatments

What are the main concerns you have with your smile? Many people have concerns with discoloration, stains, and unevenness. The team at Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, has several cosmetic treatments that can help you improve these concerns and help you feel like your best self. One of this methods is cosmetic bonding, which is a noninvasive way to conceal blemishes and other imperfections on your pearly whites. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about what you can expect during this treatment.


Exploring The Benefits Of Clear Aligners

Cedar Rapids, IA, dentist offers clear alignersYour smile is one of the first features another person notices about you. Having pearly whites that you can feel confident with can help you appear younger, more professional, and friendlier. If you have been interested in correcting your misaligned smile, the team at Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, may be able to help you do this with clear aligners. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about the benefits of this alternative to metal braces.


When Is A Professional Whitening Treatment Right For You?

Cedar Rapids IA dentist offers professional teeth whitening treatments

When you look at your smile, what do you notice? Do you feel confident in it, or do you notice stains and other blemishes that make you feel shy to show off your pearly whites? If you have cosmetic concerns with your grin, you are not alone. The team at Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, offers treatments that can help address imperfections on your pearly whites. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about the benefits of a professional whitening service.
