Category: Sleep Apnea

A Comfortable Approach With Oral Appliance Therapy

oral appliance therapy cedar rapids ia

If you experience a common sleep disorder related to oral health, it can really affect your life each and every day. Two of the five most common of these conditions have to do with the mouth and throat, and millions of Americans experience these, yet some people are hesitant to seek treatment for a number… Read more »

We Can Help Your Snoring Problem

Millions of people are affected by snoring, either by being the person who does it or being woken up by a family member. If you tend to snore loudly and frequently, it may be a sign of something more serious. This is a common problem that many do not know can be solved with the… Read more »

Control Your Overnight Grinding

Blue Shirt Cedar Rapids IA

If you struggle with bruxism, you could be causing damage to your teeth while you sleep. This condition is a prevalent sleep disorder that is centered around the overnight grinding of teeth, and there is accessible treatment available. An oral appliance keeps your teeth safe through the use of a gentle BPA-free guard to prevent… Read more »

Addressing Chronic Snoring Efficiently

Frustrated black female freelancer overworked by computer feel headache migraine take off eyewear rub nose bridge. Exhausted tired young biracial lady suffer of eye pain vision problem chronic fatigue

Taking care of your smile is a lifelong process and one that could definitely benefit from an upgrade every now and then. Though we may be familiar with the common concerns of tooth decay and gum disease, it is important to recognize that a host of nontraditional concerns can also negatively influence your oral health…. Read more »

Is Daytime Fatigue A Result Of Sleep Apnea?

Face close up of snoring man because of hypopnea disorder

There are a variety of factors that have an influence over your smile’s health, and the unfortunate truth of the matter is that most of the time it results in a negative impact. Indeed, virtually everything can cause harm to your smile, whether it be a common concern such as tooth decay and infection, or… Read more »