Category: Preventive Dentistry

Eat, Drink and Enjoy Great Oral Health!

Do you care about the health of your smile? If so, you may have already committed to brushing and flossing your teeth each day, to help keep unsightly and acidic tartar buildup at bay. That said, have you considered the role your diet also plays in your dental health? Eating a diet that is low… Read more »

Could You Do More to Prevent Cavities?

Are you worried that you may soon be diagnosed with yet another dental cavity? If you have frequently suffered from dental decay in the past, there could be a number of reasons why. The important question to ask yourself is if there is anything you can do to help better protect your smile in the… Read more »

How Can You Better Protect Your Smile?

Are you wondering if there is anything more you can do, in 2017, to help prevent cavities, bad breath and other dental troubles? If you have suffered from cavities in the past, much less painful tooth infections, then you already know all too well how important it is to care for your smile. That said,… Read more »

Do Your Gums Need Extra Care?

As a diligent tooth brusher, are you confused why your gums still bleed easily anytime you remember to floss? Have you actually noticed that parts of your gums appear deep red or purple instead of the healthy-looking pink color they once were? Can you tell they are inflamed or irritated? Do you suffer from bad… Read more »

Can You Do More to Protect Your Smile?

Do you want to spend 2017 enjoying unprecedentedly great oral health? If 2016 was filled with cavities, inflamed gums, or other dental issues you may have started this year more determined than ever to avoid common oral problems like those. But have you really done all you could to protect your teeth and gums? Preventive… Read more »

Why Does My Face Hurt When I Smile?

It is natural for your face to hurt when you’ve just spent hours smiling for photos, like on your wedding day, for instance. But, if you regularly struggle with cramping from smiling, it could be due to a dental-related issue, such as misalignment of the teeth, or even TMJ disorder. Muscle pains throughout the face… Read more »

Are These Bad Habits Damaging Your Oral Health?

Do you want to spend 2017 enjoying great oral health? Who wouldn’t, actually? While preventive dental care isn’t complicated, it does require combining healthy habits at-home with routine checkups and cleanings, in order to protect the teeth from common problems like cavities and gum disease. So if you really want to ensure your smile continues… Read more »

Can You Really Prevent Dental Cavities?

Hoping to make 2017 your best year yet, when it comes to your oral health? Is your main priority to avoid dental cavities? Cavities can often be treated quickly, through minimally invasive dental fillings. However, it is certainly best to avoid dental decay in the first place. The good news is that there are plenty… Read more »

Does My Baby Really Need Dental Care?

Is your little bundle of joy becoming a moody mess, because of teething? Perhaps you only recently noticed a tooth beginning to erupt, and are wondering what, if anything, you need to do to help keep your child comfortable during this process, and also to protect his or her smile moving forward. It’s important, as… Read more »