Fix Those Concerns with Cosmetic Bonding and Contouring

Cosmetic Bonding and Contouring for a Great SmileHave you always been bothered by little gaps between a few of your teeth, but you haven’t wanted to go through long orthodontic treatment just to fix such minor esthetic issues? Maybe you’ve noticed the edges of your teeth look worn after many years of subconscious tooth grinding. Even if some of your teeth are noticeably disproportional or even misshapen, did you know that cosmetic bonding and contouring could help? Both are cosmetic treatments, which can help address a number of concerns both quickly and affordably, making them incredible ways to enhance your smile. If you want this year to be one filled with more confidence, and less concerns, consider the ways your cosmetic dentist could help, especially through the fast and effective option of cosmetic bonding and contouring. (more…)

Did You Know a Gum Lift Could Fix Your Smile?

Gum Contouring for a More Youthful SmileMost people think of addressing problems with the teeth, when they’re unhappy with their smiles. But sometimes the teeth aren’t the problem at all. In many cases, particularly as people age, the teeth may begin to appear disproportionally small or misshapen due to excessive gum tissue, which has hidden portions of the tooth. This can lead to an asymmetrical gumline that can cause the entire smile to seem small or misshapen. Fortunately, gum contouring provides an effective way to address that issue, and to improve the overall appearance of the smile. (more…)

Restore Your Smile This Year with Dental Treatment

Restorative Dentistry in 2016Did you spend much of last year suffering with dental issues like sensitivity, bad breath, even bleeding gums? While these might seem like relatively minor issues, they are all symptoms of dental problems that could wreak havoc on an otherwise smile. That is one reason why regular dental checkups are so important; they provide your dentist with a chance to check for burgeoning issues, and to act quickly in the case of a problem. Because if it turns out you do have an issue, like a cavity, for instance, the sooner you act the more simply your dentist will be able to repair the damage and restore your oral health. So this year, vow to give your smile the care it needs. Don’t delay, when your dental health is on the line. (more…)

Start on a Bright Note with Porcelain Veneers

Smile Bright with Porcelain VeneersAre you anxious to start the year on a bright note? Tired of feeling self-conscious because of imperfections in your smile? Many people set unrealistic resolutions at the start of each new year, only to find they’ve bailed on them by mid-February. But this January is a great opportunity to reflect on what really matters, and to take steps toward achieving one goal that is both feasible and important: developing a beautiful smile! So, if you want to begin the year with a brighter and more dazzling smile, porcelain veneers can help you achieve your goal, and give you increased confidence as you face another amazing year!


Fun, Festive and Smile-Friendly Ways to Celebrate the Holidays

Keep Their Smiles Healthy This HolidayWho doesn’t want to enjoy the season with some festive holiday treats? Unfortunately, if the only thing you look forward to, this time of year, is the excuse to eat lots of sugar, you may start the new year with dental discomfort, and possibly even a cavity. Do you feel bad about giving your kids too many candies during the Christmas season? To avoid damaging your teeth, here are some great tips from your general dentist for keeping your smile – and your family’s smiles, healthy all through this merry season! (more…)

Rebound from a Cavity with Restorative Dental Treatment

Bounce Back From a Cavity Restorative TreatmentHave you been experiencing sensitivity, especially when enjoying your favorite treats? Do you sometimes suffer from sharp pain? Does it feel isolated to a single tooth? If so, you may be suffering from a cavity. Though no one wants to receive the dreaded dental diagnosis that they have developed a cavity, if you do have one it’s not the end of the world, or even of your smile as you know it. That’s because restorative treatment makes it possible to do more than just cope with a cavity. You can truly bounce back! (more…)

Give Yourself a Great Smile, with Cosmetic Dentistry

A Great Gift of Cosmetic DentistryIf all you really want this Christmas is to start next year with a brighter and more brilliant smile, you don’t need to wait on a visit from Santa. You need to visit the cosmetic dentist! From teeth whitening to gum contouring, cosmetic dentistry includes a number of treatments, all designed to eradicate imperfections and enhance your natural beauty. So, if you’re tired of wishing on stars or waiting too see if you made the “Nice list,” it’s time to call your cosmetic dentist, who can help give you a gift that will keep on giving, namely a newly brilliant, dazzling smile. (more…)

How to Enjoy A Healthy Smile Through the Holidays

Thanksgiving Family BondingThe holidays are a wonderful time to gather together with loved ones and to create quality memories that will last a lifetime. Of course, they are also a time known for rich foods and all-day feasts, which can leave you with some dental problems that could linger long than you’d like. To avoid starting the new year with cavities and other oral health issues, there are simple steps you can take at-home and while traveling. Combined with great dental hygiene and regular preventive care, a smart diet can help you maintain a lovely and healthy smile. (more…)

Easy Tips For Effective Brushing

toothbrushrainbowHow much do you know about effective brushing? Are you aware that your daily brushing and flossing are both essential aspects of your home preventive care? If so, you may find yourself wondering from time to time whether you’re making the most of your dental hygiene or if there’s a particular portion you could be performing with greater accuracy. After all, the better the care you provide for your smile, the easier it is to avoid problems like tooth decay and periodontal disease. Do yourself a favor – consider some helpful (and easy to incorporate) tips to make sure your brushing is all that it can be.


It’s Time to Brighten Up Your Smile with Professional Teeth Whitening

Time for Cosmetic DentistryIf the last time you truly loved your smile was back when VHS tapes were the only way to watch a movie, you could be well overdue for a visit to your cosmetic dentist. Over time, smiles have a tendency to collect stains, which can leave a once bright smile looking dinging as the years go by. Many become noticeably discolored, and most lack the vibrancy they once boasted. But professional teeth whitening can help turn back the clock, so to speak, helping to erase years’ worth of stains, and revealing a whiter, brighter smile you’ll be proud to show off. (more…)