Are you tired of letting dental discomfort keep you from enjoying many of your favorite activities? From slowly savoring a hot cup of coffee in the morning, before work, to enjoying a decadent dessert with friends on a Friday night, cavities can take the fun right out of what used to be beloved rituals. Sadly, cavities are incredibly common, and many people suffer with them in silence. Fortunately, your restorative dentist offers a way to rebound from dental decay, through the use of restorative treatments like fillings and crowns. So instead of making do with a smile that no longer works for you, or letting discomfort hold you back from enjoying time with friends – and your favorite foods – why not talk to your dentist about how you improve your oral health, and comfort, after a cavity has been detected! (more…)
Give Yourself the Gift of a Beautiful Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry
Do you sometimes wish that your smile shone a little brighter, that your teeth were more uniformly shaped, or that you didn’t have gaps between your teeth? Do you ever watch movies and think only about how much happier you would be if your smile looked like the stars’ smiles on the screen? If so, you probably already know that cosmetic dentistry could help enhance your smile’s natural beauty. But do you know how many options there are for enhancement, much less how to choose which procedure is right for you? It can be somewhat daunting trying to decide just what the best way to go about completing a smile makeover, but a cosmetic dentist can help make sure you enjoy a beautiful and natural-looking smile of which you will be proud.
Full Mouth Reconstruction with Restorative Dentistry
Discussions about your smile’s appearance are common. After all, as one of the first things that people notice about you (apart from your eyes), your smile is one of the most dominant features of your face and can speak volumes about your personality, confidence, friendliness.
However, confidence in your smile depends as much on how well it functions as how good it looks, and ensuring your mouth’s proper function is the first step to a full mouth reconstruction. With extensive experience in restoring patients’ smiles through full mouth reconstruction, we explain the tenets of restoring your mouth’s function. (more…)
Teaching Kids How to Have Great Oral Health
As a parent you probably already do a lot to help keep your kids healthy. You might insist they spend some time playing outside, wash their hands before supper, and fill their plates with items other than fried foods and starches. But do you sometimes worry you are not doing enough to help keep their smiles healthy? It can be difficult to help kids prevent cavities and other dental problems, but it’s not impossible, especially when you enlist the help of your children’s dentist. (more…)
How Can You Take Better Preventive Care of Your Smile?
If you have recently had restorative treatment completed, you are probably concerned with how to better prevent dental problems in the future. People that have recently undergone cosmetic dentistry may be looking for ways to preserve the great results of professional whitening or bonding. Fortunately preventive dentistry can help accomplish both, and it’s often simpler than people realize. To take excellent care of your smile you just need to combine daily hygiene with regular professional dental care, to keep your smile looking and feeling its best!
Look Your Best This Summer with Professional Teeth Whitening
Summer break is just around the corner, which means more time for fun and quality time with friends. For many people the start of summer also means that many memorable events are in store, from weddings, to weekend getaways, to wonderful adventures. Whatever you have planned for this break, you probably want to face the fun and sun with a smile you’re proud to show off. You can make sure yours is ready by talking with your cosmetic dentist about the benefits of professional whitening! (more…)
Does Your Smile Need Restorative Dentistry?
Are you tired of suffering discomfort while trying to enjoy your morning cup of coffee, or a soda in the afternoon? Have you become embarrassed by grey or black lines or patches on your tooth, caused by what might be a cavity? If you suspect you have a dental issue, you may already know that restorative dentistry is likely necessary. Since teeth cannot repair themselves, the way the skin and other parts of the body can, restoration is often required in order to restore your oral health. (more…)
Why Do Some Wisdom Teeth Need Extraction?
Did you know that many healthy human mouths grow 32 teeth, rather than 28? The last four, known as the third molars, usually begin to erupt between the ages of 17 and 25, which is often referred to as the “age of wisdom.” Though your third molars may seem like a rite of passage into your adult years, wisdom teeth often prove more trouble than a mere symbol. Today, we explore common problems with the growth of wisdom teeth, and why they must often be extracted to preserve your good oral health. (more…)
Could Cosmetic Dentistry Give You the Confidence You Need?
Do you shy away from time with friends, because of insecurities in your smile? Are you scared to sit down with your boss, to talk about a promotion, because of imperfections with your teeth? When you feel embarrassed by noticeable flaws with your smile, it can be hard to enjoy what should be fun or promising activities, like these. In fact, it’s hard to weigh just how drastically and comprehensively a person’s smile can impact his or her self-esteem and well-being. Few parts of a person’s look have a more significant influence on how he perceives himself, than his smile. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry offers many effective and fast ways to treat imperfections, so that patients can begin to feel proud of their pearly whites, and that can help them feel more confident in every aspect of life. (more…)
Is a Dental Crown the Answer?
Many people think of dental crowns as large metal additions to the smile, ones that are easily noticed and sometimes uncomfortable. Others may believe a crown is primarily used to cap a tooth after a cavity. But crowns are actually far more versatile, and often more esthetically-pleasing than many people think! That’s because modern dental crowns come in a variety of materials designed to fit every smile’s unique needs, both cosmetically and functionally. So if your smile is in need of restorative treatment, here are some key facts to keep in mind, when selecting a dental crown. (more…)
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