Wishing for a Younger-looking Smile? See Your Dentist!

Wishing for a Younger-looking Smile? See Your Dentist!Do you ever wish you could turn back the clock, or at least enjoy a younger-looking smile? While it is impossible to truly turn back time, thanks to cosmetic dentistry you actually could enjoy a lighter, brighter, and younger-looking smile! Cosmetic treatments like professional whitening and porcelain veneers can help address many signs of wear, allowing patients to enjoy the benefits of a healthy and younger-looking smile.  (more…)

A Brighter Smile, Without Teeth Whitening!

Most people would admit that they wish their smiles were at least a little brighter. This may be due to the fact that stains and discoloration are among the most commonly occurring blemishes that can affect your smile. Consequently, professional tooth whitening is one of the most frequently requested cosmetic dental procedures today as people seek to erase those blemishes and brighten their smiles. However, before you seek professional teeth whitening to correct everyday stains, try these home tips for maintaining a bright and healthy smile. (more…)

Ready to Smile Confidently Again? Time to See Your Dentist!

Ready to Smile Confidently Again? Time to See Your Dentist!Does it feel like ages since you last smiled confidently, without embarrassment caused by tooth imperfections? Are you growing tired of hiding your smile from friends and colleagues, out of fear that they will fixate on the flaws you see? From noticeable chips to deep stains, inconsistently-shaped teeth to an incomplete smile, the great news is that dental treatment can help to address a variety of dental problems. Perhaps best of all, both cosmetic and restorative treatment can create natural-looking improvements. (more…)

How Can Tooth Extraction Help Your Smile?

By practicing good hygiene every day and visiting your dentist regularly, you can preserve your natural, beautiful smile for life. Sometimes, however, prevention isn’t enough, and you may require cosmetic or restorative care to improve your smile’s appearance or address a progressive dental health issue. In serious cases, tooth extraction might be necessary to help your smile recover from dental disease, injury, or an impacted molar (wisdom tooth). By removing a tooth that can’t be restored, your dentist can help you avoid more serious complications from developing later. (more…)

Is Your Smile Ready for Those Summer Vacations?

Is Your Smile Ready for Those Summer Vacations?Spring break may have come and gone all too quickly, but the great news is that means summer is right around the corner. When it does arrive, will you be bound for adventure? If so, you might currently be thinking about packing and making travel plans, but don’t forget to give your smile the attention it needs. A beautiful smile is the one accessory that’s always in style all around the globe. Plus, don’t you want bright and beautiful pearly whites when you stop for all those great photo ops? Cosmetic dentistry can help make sure your smile is ready for whatever summer has in hold. (more…)

Enjoy Apples Again with a Dental Implant

Enjoy Apples Again with a Dental ImplantThe old adage states that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Unfortunately, for patients who have suffered from adult tooth loss, eating an apple can feel like an impossibility. That is because unsupported dentures are a fast way to complete a smile after tooth loss; unfortunately, they can often shift during chewing, since they are not permanently affixed. Dental implants provide a more secure way to stabilize a denture or other replacement tooth, allowing patients to get back to enjoying apples, oranges, and all their other favorite foods without fear or discomfort! (more…)

Can You Do More to Protect Your Kids’ Smiles?

Can You Do More to Protect Your Kids’ Smiles?As a parent, you would probably do anything possible to help keep your kids safe and healthy? That said, you likely realize that protecting them often begins with gentle but persistent reminders to take care, like wearing their helmets anytime they ride their bikes, or putting on their seatbelts when they get in the car. When it comes to their oral health, protecting their smiles is similarly simple. It does require diligence, though, in making sure they actually follow through on the key steps necessary to protect their dental health! (more…)

Your Kids Can Learn More About Dental Health with a New App

Your Kids Can Learn More About Dental Health with a New AppDo your kids complain every single night when you say it’s time to brush their teeth? What about when it’s time to visit the dentist, or to eat a meal that is not deep-fried or laden with sugar? Helping kids protect their smiles can be a big challenge for many parents. Fortunately, teaching kids about why oral care is important, and the simple steps they can take to help better protect their smiles, can help make your job a little easier! After all, kids deserve to know that dental hygiene and healthy choices serve important functions, namely to protect their beautiful smiles! (more…)

Can You Do More to Protect Your Smile?

Can You Do More to Protect Your Smile?Do you want to spend 2017 enjoying unprecedentedly great oral health? If 2016 was filled with cavities, inflamed gums, or other dental issues you may have started this year more determined than ever to avoid common oral problems like those. But have you really done all you could to protect your teeth and gums? Preventive dental care isn’t complicated, or even incredibly time-consuming. However, it does require forming healthy habits. So, have you really done your due diligence, when it comes to protecting your dental health? (more…)

Is Your Smile Screaming for a Dental Restoration?

Can You smile Again with Restorative TreatmentNow that the weather is warming, is your sweet tooth crying out for ice cream? What happens when you take a bite of that delicious mint chocolate chip treat, or when you try to steal a bite of your kid’s sno cone, though? If iced treats make you want to scream, not from delight but because of dental discomfort, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your restorative dentist. You could have a dental cavity. If you are suffering from a cavity, the good news is that prompt dental treatment, like a tooth filling, is the best way to restore your comfort and to save that metaphorical sweet tooth from further problems! (more…)