The fact that tooth loss is a negative influence on your smile and oral health is no secret. That’s why much of your dental care is meant to help you avoid losing one or more teeth by restoring them when they’re compromised, or by addressing other concerns that could lead to their loss. However, there can be times when removing a tooth on purpose could be the best solution for preserving and protecting the rest of your oral health. Though such situations aren’t exactly common, the need for extracting the tooth when they occur can have serious implications for your immediate and long-term oral health. (more…)
A Look at How Dental Crowns Save Teeth
It’s one thing to know that a dental crown can restore a tooth, but it’s another thing to actually need a dental crown to save your tooth. As one of the more popular restorative dental treatments, dental crowns are often recommended when a tooth is severely compromised and at a heightened risk of being lost or needing to be extracted. Faced with potentially losing the tooth, you can feel more strongly the importance of saving it with a custom-made dental crown. (more…)
Root Canals and Your Oral Health
Most people recognize the term, root canal, and the fact that roots are important parts of their healthy tooth structure. However, root canals are most often recognized because of the potential problems that can be caused when they’re impacted by severe tooth decay. An internal infection, or decay, in your tooth’s structure can progress severely once it reaches the tissues inside of your tooth’s pup and root canal. Given the importance of your teeth roots to your oral health and the threat that can arise then the tissues inside of them become infected, root canal therapy can be an important step in restoring and preserving a tooth that’s severely decayed. (more…)
What Makes Modern Tooth Fillings Different?
Some of the most common dental health conditions, including cavities, are the result of natural things like the buildup of oral bacteria. They’ve been problems for people’s dental health forever, so treatments such as tooth fillings that are designed to address them are among the most frequently recommended dental treatments. Today, however, addressing such issues is different in several important ways than many patients expect. For example, modern tooth fillings can treat most common cavities with greater efficiency and more cosmetically appealing results than the metal fillings that patients may be used to. (more…)
Are Your TMJs Not Working Properly?
When something directly affects the health and integrity of your teeth, like damage or tooth decay, the signs and consequences can be obvious. The formation of a cavity and the increasingly worse toothache are common for most people who experience them. However, some conditions with your oral health aren’t always as direct or as common as tooth decay, and the signs that something isn’t quite right aren’t always obvious. For example, if you experience TMJ disorder, a condition that causes your jaw joints to malfunction, the consequences of it could vary greatly from the symptoms of others who experience TMJ disorder. (more…)
Things that Untreated Bruxism Can Lead To
When you ignore most dental health issues, they tend to get worse the longer they remain unchecked. For instance, a minor cavity can grow into a much more severe case of internal tooth infection if it’s given enough time. The same is true with a subconscious teeth-grinding habit, a condition often referred to as bruxism, and the damage that it could potentially cause to all of your teeth. The constant teeth-grinding that’s characteristic of bruxism can put your teeth under an immense amount of pressure and friction. If it remains untreated long enough, your bruxism could cause several more severe problems with your teeth and oral health. (more…)
Why Dental Implants Matter in Your Smile’s Restoration
When it comes to restoring or replacing your natural tooth structure, several different factors have equal importance in the success of your smile’s restoration. That’s especially true when it comes to addressing tooth loss, which involves replacing more than just what you’re able to see of your tooth. Today, we examine the true implications of tooth loss, and why dental implants matter a great deal in helping many patients recover from it and preserve the rest of their healthy smiles. (more…)
Is Tooth Extraction All Your Smile Needs?
In some cases, the severity of your oral health concerns can be more complex than you realize. For example, you might expect that a decaying or damaged tooth can be saved even if you wait a while to address it. However, the state of the tooth and your surrounding oral tissues could be more compromised than you realize, and by the time you seek treatment, the only viable solution may be to extract the tooth structure that remains. However, depending on the tooth being extracted, its removal may only part of the overall process required to address your concern and fully restore your smile’s health, appearance, and function. (more…)
Things You Can Do with a Dental Crown
Dental crowns are effective as tooth restorations for several different reasons. Being designed to replicate the size, shape, and contour of your tooth means the crown can successfully restore the tooth’s entire visible structure in a highly conservative manner. However, the specific ways a custom dental crown can fix your tooth, and the other advantages that come with the use of advanced dental materials, can make the modern restorations even more beneficial. Today, we examine a few of the things a custom dental crown can do for your tooth, both immediately and for the tooth’s long-term health. (more…)
What Can You Expect from Root Canal Treatment?
If you’ve never undergone root canal treatment before, you may not know exactly what to expect. This might make you nervous, or even hesitant, to treat your tooth, which could potentially lead to even more trouble for your tooth. The good news is that root canal treatment isn’t the ordeal that many people expect it to be. Also, after having the infection within your tooth successfully removed, you can expect a number of different benefits. (more…)
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