Many individuals experience a form of dental anxiety when it comes to extensive treatment, major concerns, and more. Whether you are facing large concerns such as the effects of severe decay and tooth loss, or the more minor ones such as a small chip or crack in a tooth, it can become difficult to make the effort to come to the office to have the problem addressed. Fortunately, not every threat warrants extensive treatment, and many actually can be solved with simple procedures if you act in a timely manner. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist will discuss how cosmetic dentistry can provide a non-invasive and simple treatment to addressing minor chips and cracks.
When Chronic Teeth-Grinding Results In Jaw Dysfunction
For many people, the biggest concerns to their beautiful, healthy smiles come from harmful oral bacteria eating away at their natural structures. Indeed, decay is at the core of a number of dental issues and threats to your oral health, including cavities, infected root canals, deterioration, and ultimately tooth loss. For other individuals, however, this concern falls in the shadow of another, one that results in a jaw dysfunction that impacts their every day. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist will look at the effects of chronic teeth-grinding, and how it can ultimately result in severe misalignment and discomfort if left untreated.
Why You Should Not Ignore That Cavity
Dental decay is one of the more common concerns out there, affecting a number of individuals yearly. In its earliest stages, the damage caused by these oral bacteria can easily be managed. If you do not act with efficiency, however, the decay can spread and cause a number of concerns, from cavities, to internal infection, and even tooth loss that causes the need for an implant replacement. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist will look at the reasons why you should not ignore a cavity as well as the negative effects that occur if you do.
Three Ways Dental Implants Restore Your Bite
Staying on top of your oral health is a top concern if you want to ensure a healthy, vibrant smile for life. While you may be brushing and flossing regularly at home and attending routine preventive care visits, a number of other factors such as diet and substance use can contribute to infection, decay, and even tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist will address when infection and decay result in tooth loss and how dental implants can complete your smile once more by addressing a number of concerns.
Addressing Cosmetic Blemishes with Porcelain Veneers
When it comes to addressing severe decay and tooth loss, dental implants can provide a lifelike solution that was once not possible. While they are beneficial for extreme cases of dental concerns, extracting a tooth to replace it is not the way to combat more minor concerns such as chips or cracks. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist looks at cosmetic dentistry and how porcelain veneers can be utilized to address a number of cosmetic concerns, including chips, cracks, and gaps between teeth.
Schedule Your First Checkup Of 2021
Now that 2020 is finally coming to an end, everyone is looking forward to big changes in 2021. To start the year off right, why not see our team for a checkup and cleaning? With a routine exam and cleaning, your Cedar Rapids, IA, dentist can help address concerns in the early stages and ensure you enjoy a bright and healthy smile!
Could Dental Implants Improve Your Smile?
The short answer to this question is “Yes!” If you have lost one tooth (or more) due to age, accident, injury or other causes, a dental implant could be the best answer to restore your natural smile and give you many years of comfortable eating, chewing, speaking and smiling. Implants are often the desired restoration when a tooth is extracted or lost due to other conditions. Whether it is a single tooth, or a series of teeth or a full implant denture, your Cedar Rapids, IA, dentist can offer implant solutions that truly make your smile whole again. (more…)
What A Sensitive Tooth Might Mean
If you’ve been noticing your teeth are more sensitive, you are in good company. Many people have teeth that give a twinge or uncomfortable reaction to hot and cold foods, cold air, very sweet or acidic foods, and more. Interestingly, the United Kingdom’s Oral Health Foundation reports that more women than men report having sensitive teeth, and it is reported frequently by those in the 20 – 40 year old age bracket, as well as those who are older. A caring dentist in Cedar Rapids, IA can help determine what your tooth sensitivity might mean. (more…)
The Importance of Lifelong Dental Care
Your oral health is a lifelong pursuit. To keep your teeth healthy and vital throughout your lifetime, you have to take care of them. You should treat your oral health like you would your overall health. In fact, caring for your teeth and gums doesn’t require a ton of effort each day. It’s simply a matter of sticking to your daily care routine. In addition to daily cleaning, you should also attend checkups with your dentist every six months. Following these steps will give you a great chance to keep your teeth healthy and looking their best throughout your life’s journey. (more…)
Treating Your Cavities Without Metal
When one of more teeth develop a cavity, this doesn’t just mean an occasional toothache. Without treatment, your smile could form severe infections or even suffer from tooth loss. To prevent these complications, you may need a filling. Fortunately, your Cedar Rapids, IA, dentist will explain how we treat cavities with a metal-free restoration.
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