tmj disorderSuffering from unexplained headaches can feel like torture. You can be doing everything right — drinking plenty of water, eating well, and minimizing stress — but the throbbing, consistent pain still exists. While it is easy to turn to pain relievers in these cases, it is more beneficial (and long-lasting) to address the root cause. In some cases, these mysterious headaches can be caused by TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorder, which is also referred to as TMD. This issue is caused when the joints connecting your jaw to your skill become unbalanced. One of the primary causes of TMD is bruxism, which is another name for teeth grinding. Interestingly, in addition to causing TMJ Disorder, bruxism can also be caused by the very same issue and both can affect the health of your teeth. Needless to say, these two problems are quite complex and intertwined. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist talks about both disorders and the treatment options we provide.

Understanding TMJ Disorder

As noted above, TMJ Disorder occurs when the joints that connect your jaw to the base of your skull become misaligned. Although this might not initially seem like a big deal, it can be very painful as these joints contain myriad nerves. Moreover, they are frequently in motion from chewing, biting, and speaking. This causes the misbalance to continually worsen and never gives the joints time to heal on their own. Common symptoms of TMD include migraines, earaches, jaw-popping, neck pain, and tension in the shoulders. Because these symptoms are common amongst other issues, it can be difficult to reach the conclusion that TMJ disorder is the culprit. If you suffer from these issues but cannot identify where they are stemming from, TMD could very well be the cause. If you suspect this could be the root of your issues, we can examine your mouth and determine if it is, in fact, the problem. 

The Connection To Bruxism

One of the main causes of TMJ disorder is persistent teeth grinding. When you are clenching and grinding your teeth you are not only damaging your enamel but are also hurting your bite alignment. Bruxism is frequently caused by environmental factors like stress and anxiety, so sometimes addressing these root causes can help alleviate the symptoms. Though this may seem like a simple fix — and it is in some cases — it is actually a little more complex. While bruxism can cause TMD, TMJ Ddisorder can also cause bruxism. When your jaw is misaligned, you can often end up grinding your teeth, creating an unfortunate cycle of discomfort.

Treatment Options

Just as these two disorders are connected, the solution to both is very similar. No matter which you suffer from, we can craft a custom-made mouthguard for you to wear while you sleep. This nightguard can either prevent you from clenching your teeth or it can reposition your jaw to realign your jaw. We can provide either solution or both!

Contact Us To Learn More

If you think you may suffer from either of these disorders, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach out to Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA by calling 319-364-7108 to make an appointment.