Tooth with crown isolated on orange backgroundYour teeth are some of the toughest and strongest bones in your body. After all, you use them to bite and chew every single day, and this act alone helps stimulate your jawbone and keep the relationship between the jaw and teeth strong and stable. Although teeth are the strongest of bones in your body, that does not necessarily mean they are indestructible or safe from all harm. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist explains how dental crown restorations can be used to protect your smile in a few different ways, and discusses situations that might arise in which a crown can help.

Protection From Spreading Infection

By now, you are likely familiar with the importance of and need for dental prevention. Preventive dentistry is considered the name of the game when it comes to keeping your teeth safe and strong, and failing to protect your smile with preventive care will inevitably result in serious infections, diseases, and even tooth loss. Though prevention is essential for a healthy smile, it can sometimes fall short.

Indeed, prevention is no match for a physical injury or accident to the mouth, and as such, dentists require a backup plan in order to restore your health. Fortunately, that is where restorative treatment comes in to help, and our team has the options needed to address your specific concerns.

One such restorative practice that is renowned for its versatility in care is that of a dental crown. Crowns consist of hollow caps that are placed over a specific tooth in order to help prevent an infection from spreading. To learn more about this process and how your smile could benefit, give our team a call today.

Reinforcing Structural Support

In addition to protection from spreading infection, a dental crown restoration can be used to help reinforce your tooth’s structural integrity and support. You see, a significantly infected tooth can become compromised if treatment is not sought in a timely and efficient manner, but allowing a tooth to heal can take some time. In cases where a person receives a root canal procedure, the dentist may utilize a crown restoration to help promote proper healing and protect the structure from damage. Contact our team to learn more about this process.

Addressing Functional Needs

Finally, one of the most important functions of a dental crown is to help address functional needs. When an infection reaches the sensitive teeth roots, a person experiences discomfort, sensitivity, and even pain. A crown restoration can bear the brunt of the bite pressure, thus allowing you to continue routine tasks such as biting and chewing without difficulty.

Learn More Today

To learn more about the many roles of a dental crown, contact Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA by calling 319-364-7108 and schedule your next appointment with our office today.