Dentist working with dental polymerization Lamp in oral cavity.Taking care of your smile is a process that will follow you throughout the course of your life. It involves attending routine checkups, practicing prevention at home, and seeking timely restorative care in the event an infection or other issue were to arise. While prevention is arguably the most important factor to consider on an individual basis, it is important to recognize that restorative care can go a long way, especially when it is sought sooner rather than later. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist takes a look at the importance of treating decay as soon as you are aware it is there, and how a dental filling may be able to help.

When Prevention Falls Short

It goes without saying the dental prevention is the name of the game when taking care of your smile. After all, there are several sources of bacteria waiting to wreak havoc on your grin, and unfortunately, significantly fewer natural lines of defense. What you might not be aware of, however, is that bacteria may be wreaking havoc without you even knowing there is an issue occurring.

Indeed, bacteria can lead to a host of different infections, but none are more common than that of dental decay. Tooth decay occurs when these microorganisms nestle in the hard-to-clean areas of the mouth and feed off of sugar particles from the foods you consume. These sugars cause them to produce a destructive acid, thus wearing away your protective layer of enamel.

Arguably the most important thing to recognize about decay is that it is not a process that will cease on its own. As such, it is best to seek treatment as soon as possible as opposed to waiting. For more information about this process, give our team a call today.

The Dangers of Waiting

We have previously mentioned that it is best to treat decay – which occurs on a spectrum – as soon as possible in the process. This is because the situation will only get worse over time and can even lead to permanent tooth loss.

In its earliest stages, decay may be best treated with the help of a dental filling. A filling procedure will involve carefully cleaning the cavity and then filling the open hole with a composite resin material. Contact our office today to learn more about this process.

Prolonging Your Smile’s Health

At the end of the day, prioritizing your oral health is our biggest goal as your dentist. The last thing we want is for you to lose a natural tooth, and we recommend early restorative intervention to prolong your grin.

Schedule Your Visit Today

To learn more about the importance of filling your cavities, contact Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA by calling 319-364-7108 and schedule your next appointment with our team today.