Dental crownIt goes without saying that a well-rounded preventive dental routine can pave the way to a lifelong smile. In fact, prioritizing your grin’s health in a number of ways leads to a strong smile that can fend off the threats of common concerns such as decay and infection. Still, however, you may be doing everything correctly to protect your smile, but rapid bacterial development could have other plans in mind. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist takes a look at the way that restorative dentistry provides a safety net of protection to ensure your health, and how a dental crown can be used in a variety of ways to reinforce your teeth.

Protection from Threats

Whether you are aware of it or not, your smile undergoes constant scrutiny from a myriad of outside threats. Taking a look at the most common ones, dental decay easily tops the list. In fact, many individuals experience decay in some form or another at least once throughout their lives, and the phenomenon is known for affecting millions of individuals every year. That being said, having restorative dental options to handle these effects is crucial.

When a person experiences decay in its earliest form, it is often in the form of a cavity. This occurs when oral bacteria feed off of the food and sugars we consume, causing them to secrete a destructive acid that eats away at a structure.

Without proper care, a cavity will work its way deeper and deeper into a tooth, eventually causing it to compromise and require extraction for your health.

Ensuring Proper Recovery

In order to prevent the loss of one or even several structures, your dentist will often treat a cavity with a dental filling and a crown. This process involves removing the decaying portions of a tooth and filling the open gap with a composite resin.

In order to protect your healing tooth from reinfection, your dentist may offer to place a crown on top to keep bacteria out. For those who undergo root canal therapy, a dental crown is also used to ensure proper healing by keeping dangerous bacteria from entering the site. For more information about this process, reach out to our team today.

A Seamless Finish

While appearance is not the goal of restorative dentistry, we recognize the importance in maintaining a seamless smile. Ask our office about our lifelike cap restorations that can be designed to closely mimic the natural appearance of your teeth when you come in for your next appointment with our team.

Learn More Today

Your oral health is a top priority, and we strive to help protect your smile. Contact Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA by calling 319-364-7108 to learn more or to schedule your next appointment with our team today.