Bruxism and TMJ Disorder are two conditions that are frequently intertwined. Bruxism is another name for unconscious teeth grinding. TMJ disorder, or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, is caused by a misalignment of the jaw joints that connect the lower jaw to your skull. These joints can become unbalanced and cause a misalignment of your bite. TMJ can frequently end up leading to bruxism and vice versa. No matter which you are suffering from, we are here to help you with treatment.
Primary signs of Bruxism include diminished tooth enamel, sensitive teeth, a sore jaw, flat and chipped teeth, and headaches that seem to stem from the temple. If it primarily occurs when you are sleeping, it can be related to other sleep issues such as persistent snoring, sleep-talking, and sleep apnea. If teeth grinding and clenching also occur when you are awake, it can be tied to emotional occurrences. Clenching and grinding are often tied to stress, anxiety, anger, frustration, and overall tension.
TMJ Disorder
TMJ symptoms are often associated with other issues, so you might be suffering from a TMJ disorder without being able to deduce that those jaw joints are the source of your discomfort. Headaches, earaches, and jaw aches are all signs of misalignment. Difficulty chewing and persistent jaw popping are also indicators of malfunctioning TMJs. It often hurts so much because the joints affected by this disorder are surrounded by a vast network of nerves. Moreover, these specific joints are responsible for facilitating talking and eating — two actions that you can’t stop. Because of this, your misaligned jaw is always moving, causing more pain.
Treatment Options
Both disorders are typically treated with custom-made mouth appliances that you wear while you sleep. For bruxism, the mouthguard prevents your teeth from grinding and clenching together. In the case of TMJ disorder, it allows the jaw to rest more easily, alleviating strain. If you have suffered severe damage because of bruxism, we offer several restorative and cosmetic services that can fix your teeth and have you feeling confident in your smile once again.
Treat Your TMJ and Bruxism Today
If you are suffering from TMJ Disorder or bruxism, schedule an appointment today by calling Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, today at (319) 364-7108. We also happily welcome patients who live in Mount Vernon, Iowa City, Hiawatha, and all nearby communities.