The habits you practice daily form the basis for your smile care. This means brushing and flossing provide preventive protection against the dangers of tooth decay and gum disease. By regularly removing oral plaque, you maintain strong gums and healthy enamel. By visiting your dentist, we can provide a professional cleaning and review of your at-home efforts. If it has been longer than six months since your last appointment, we suggest scheduling a visit to help care for your smile.
At your Cedar Rapids, IA, dental practice, we want to help you prevent damage to your smile before it begins. By taking a proactive attitude towards removing oral threats, we lift sticky plaque before it leads to cavities. While the best hygiene habits can still leave you with damage, your regular exams help us detect and repair harm within the period between your periodic visits. If we detect a condition that requires additional care, we can create a custom visitation schedule for you to attend.
Beginning Your Dental Checkup With A Professional Cleaning
When you attend your checkup, one of our hygienists will perform a thorough cleaning to lift plaque from the surface of your smile. This service goes beyond your capabilities at home by using special tools and our professional expertise. If your plaque hardens into a calcified substance called tartar, your brushing and flossing routine cannot fully remove the harm.
When we suspect an infection of your gums, we can offer an additional cleaning service to help fully remove your oral bacteria. With periodontal therapy, we can go under your gum line to address pockets that form deep between teeth. By cleaning the roots of your teeth, we allow the gums to reattach and heal. This can reverse your inflammation and prevent constant bleeding of the gums that come with an infection.
Your Dental Exams Can Identify Developing Problems In Your Smile
After cleaning your smile, we perform an exacting examination to identify any problems since your last visit. This means that routine visits help create a dental record to log the health of your smile over longer periods. For teenage and young adult patients, we can track the growth of your wisdom teeth to help recommend whether or not they require removal. Your regular appointments help you determine when best to schedule more involved dental procedures.
Helping Your Smile Stay Safe With Dental Checkups In Cedar Rapids, IA
Preventive dental care combines your at-home brushing and flossing practices with regular cleanings and examinations. If you have not been to cleaning in more than six months, we encourage you to schedule a visit. Give us a call at Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA at (319)364-7108 to speak with a team member.
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