Family White BG Cedar Rapids IAOral health requires consistent maintenance to keep your mouth safe as you age. Without the proper hygiene regimen at home, you could be allowing the growth of harmful bacteria to occur unimpeded. It is vital to keep to twice daily brushing, while flossing and using an oral rinse once each day. Home oral maintenance is only one part of your comprehensive dental approach, however.

Schedule an appointment with your trained dentist every six months in order to give your provider a consistent look into the vitality of your mouth. Catch problems early with an examination to identify diagnoses before they progress any further. In addition to routine cleanings and examinations, Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA also offers oral cancer screenings. Ensure that you are taking your future seriously through the early detection of possible cancerous growth. Prevention is key, and taking stock of your health can help you to stay ahead of any problems.

Stay On Top Of Your Appointments

The guideline for the average individual is to schedule visits to your dentist every six months or so. In some patients, more extensive or frequent examinations are necessary to keep an eye on the development of the mouth. It is vital to stick to your specific timeline of routine cleaning and exams. This give your dental care provider the opportunity to take a look at any troubling changes and recommend any further procedures if necessary.

A Thorough Cleaning Helps Your Mouth Prosper

Alongside your examination is a cleaning of your smile. This includes the removal of food particles and any other debris from the deeper areas of your mouth. This portion of your appointment is helpful to keep you healthy, and it can also give you a fresh and clean feeling.

Your qualified dental care provider removes the buildup of plaque and tartar during this process as well. When bacteria form in your mouth, a film known as plaque is left on the surface of your enamel. Without adequate hygiene, this substance can harden into a material known as tartar. This requires the help of a trained dentist or hygienist to remove, as it will not come of with simple brushing, even with a firm hand.

Screening Your Mouth For Oral Cancer

Routine cleanings and examinations can help you to avoid future oral health pitfalls. Oral cancer screenings are another way that this process helps you to catch diagnoses quickly. This starts with your visual examination and it can help to start treatment for your cancer early, if you receive a positive diagnosis.

Treating Smiles In Cedar Rapids, IA

Your oral health requires consistent maintenance with a professional. Call Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA at 319-364-7108 to learn more about how we help you stay safe through teeth cleaning and oral cancer screening. Early detection could make a difference in your outcome.