Happy girl in dentistryWith advances in dental technology, there are various dental treatments available to address virtually every need out there. For example, a missing tooth as an adult means a permanent gap in your smile, but with the help of implant dentistry, your smile can be completed once more. In some situations, however, a person may endure surface-level damage and not require restorative help. In these cases, cosmetic options are pursued. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist takes a look at the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, as well as how your smile can benefit from dental whitening.

The Impact of Food and Beverage Stains

It goes without saying that a bright and healthy smile is a major goal many people have. Unfortunately, various day-to-day activities can get in the way of accomplishing this goal. For example, the foods and beverages that comprise your diet may work wonders for energy and health levels, but keep in mind that they may contain cosmetic effects, too.

An example of this phenomenon includes consuming coffee on a daily basis. Though you may rely on the morning cup to kickstart your day, you might be unaware that it contains pigments that contribute to noticeable stains. Another example includes consuming foods such as berries, which contain higher levels of acidity that can wear away enamel, as well as staining capabilities, as well.

Because stains may occur on a regular basis, it becomes clear that with time, your smile is destined to lose its shine. Fortunately, cosmetic treatment such as teeth whitening can help. To learn more information about this process, give our team a call today.

Age as a Factor

In addition to the foods and beverages you consume on a regular basis, age in and of itself is a contributing factor to a lackluster smile. You see, losing your natural shine occurs normally over time, and without the help of cosmetic enhancement, you can expect a greater chance of enduring noticeable blemishes.

With the help of teeth whitening, however, you can enjoy an enhanced appearance once more. This process consists of applying a strong yet safe bleaching agent to the surfaces of your structures, then activating this material using a special light. From here, the gel will set to work breaking apart and lifting difficult stains.

How do You Know You’re Eligible?

Because stains and a lackluster shine develop and occur as a natural effect of time, most adults can benefit from cosmetic dental treatment. You can meet with our team to discuss your options, and we will help you determine what cosmetic treatment can best suit your needs.

Schedule Your Visit

Contact Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA by calling 319-364-7108 to learn more about your teeth whitening options, and schedule your next visit with our office today.