Sick woman at home. Young african woman laying on sofa she is siIt goes without saying that your smile is a vital aspect of your oral health. Indeed, your teeth are necessary for proper bite and oral function, and missing even a single structure can throw a wrench in this situation. While implants are helpful restorative measures that can address the issue of function, it is preferable to avoid the situation altogether rather than have to fix something that is broken. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist discusses the importance of maintaining a thorough preventive routine while sick, and what steps you can take to help.

Rinsing and Spitting After Vomiting

Millions of people every flu season fall ill to the phenomenon. Indeed, getting sick is, unfortunately, a natural part of life. In extreme cases, it can be a frightening and even deadly phenomenon. In cases such as the common cold, however, it is important to maintain a consistent preventive dental routine. This is because certain symptoms and medications may actually influence your overall oral health, and it is important to be prepared for these situations.

You see, one of the common symptoms that accompanies an upset stomach, fever, food poisoning, and more is the process of vomiting. Though nobody enjoys this phenomenon, it is often necessary to expel harmful substances from your body. Keep in mind, however, that the bile that exits the body is acidic, meaning it can cause enamel erosion to occur if it is not handled appropriately.

In order to better protect your teeth, your dentist recommends swishing and spitting after an incident of vomiting. To learn more about this process and how it can help, give our team a call today.

Cough Syrups without Sugar

Another common symptom that results from various ailments may include coughing. To soothe the irritated throat, you may utilize cough syrup. When picking up your cold and flu medicine, however, take care to pursue options with the least amount of sugar.

You see, sugar feeds oral bacteria, which causes these microorganisms to produce harmful acids. This can lead to worn enamel and even gum tissue damage. Sugar-free options can provide symptom relief without placing your health at stake. Contact our team today to learn more about this process.

Drinking Plenty of Water

On a final note, there is no symptom or situation that cannot benefit from water. You see, many people who become ill may also become dehydrated, which leads to dry mouth and increased chances of infection. Consuming water helps keep you hydrated, while also keeping your enamel strong through naturally-occurring fluoride in the water.

Schedule Your Appointment

Contact Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA by calling 319-364-7108 to learn more about the need for preventive care while ill, and schedule your next appointment with our office today.