Gum Recession. 3D illustration of Dental problemAlthough nobody wants to lose a natural tooth, sometimes your unique situation warrants its consideration if your oral health is in question. Indeed, wisdom teeth that have erupted improperly, dental infections that are beyond saving, and more may transcend a single structure’s damage, causing your entire grin to suffer as a consequence. The causes of these concerns can vary, and as such, it is important to stay on top of oral care. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist explains how gum disease can influence your oral health, and how our team provides treatment to help.

More Common Than You Think

By now you may be familiar with the phenomenon known as tooth decay. Indeed, this is the most common dental concern out there, and millions of people every year in the United States experiences this phenomenon in some form or another. But did you know that gum disease is just about as common as tooth decay?

Gum disease is a periodontal infection that occurs when oral bacteria begin to cause plaque to form on your tooth roots. This process begins when not enough care is being given to the gums during your regular preventive routine. For example, you may believe that brushing your teeth twice a day is enough to keep your smile healthy, however, you would be mistaken.

You see, brushing does not pay enough attention to your gums, which is why your dentist recommends flossing after meals. If you do not, food particles that become lodged between your teeth can attract oral bacteria to the sensitive areas of the gums, essentially allowing them to set up camp and wreak havoc. For more information about this process, give our team a call today.

How It Can Get Worse

Once bacteria have made their way beneath the gum line, they are able to thrive relatively safe from harm, as your tissues act as a protective shield from danger. From here, plaque will begin to form on your teeth roots, causing a rift between the teeth and the tissues that house them.

If this process is allowed to continue, you will begin to experience noticeable signs, such as alarmingly loose teeth, gums separating from their structures, and even tooth loss altogether. Contact our team today to learn more about this process.

Treatment Options

Your number one way of preventing periodontal concerns is to floss regularly. If a periodontal concern develops, our team offers in-office periodontal cleanings to help remove the hidden deposits of plaque and restore your gum health. Keep in mind, however, that this treatment will require a few visits to complete, so plan accordingly.

Learn More Today

To learn more about the need for consistent gum care, contact Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA by calling 319-364-7108 and schedule your next appointment with our office today.