Portrait of a young smiling woman with beautiful white teeth. GiThere are countless factors out there that can compromise your oral health. From gum disease to tooth decay and pretty much everything else in-between, your smile is constantly on the defensive. Indeed, this means that your regular preventive dental care routine should be in tip-top condition, yet that is not always the case. Further, issues can even develop that might not directly influence your health, but definitely has something to contribute in terms of your smile’s appearance. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist discusses the root causes of noticeable stains in your smile, and how in-office or at-home treatment can help.

The Foods and Beverages You Consume

It goes without saying that the list seems to go on and on when looking at what situations or circumstances affect your grin. Indeed, because of this, your dentist recommends practicing a well-rounded preventive dental care routine. Sometimes, however, the concern is not a structural or functional complication, but one that occurs on a surface level. In cases such as these, what treatment can you pursue?

Fortunately, this is where cosmetic dentistry comes in to help. You see, cosmetic dentistry addresses these surface-level concerns and may provide care that enhances your smile’s overall appearance. When taking a look at stains on your teeth, one of the common yet unknown causes might be from foods and beverages you consume.

Indeed, drinks such as coffee and tea contain pigments that actively darken your smile’s shine. Berries and citrus items are also of concern, as their high levels of acidity eat away at your enamel and cause stains to develop in a deep-set manner. For more information about this process, give our team a call today.

Other Substances

Another source of stains in your smile might develop from daily habits or practices you partake in. For example, tobacco use has been proven to cause stains to develop, as well as a yellow or brown color to set in. Further, excessive alcohol consumption has been found to not only weaken your structures but contribute to stains and depressions as well. To learn more about this process and the steps you can take, give our team a call today.

Poor Dental Preventive Care

Finally, one of the major contributors to stains and other issues includes poor preventive care. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash have all been found to help keep your smile clean as well as vibrant, and falling short in any one area can contribute to noticeable blemishes down the line.

Additionally, you can seek treatment in the form of teeth-whitening to help remove difficult stains and prioritize your smile’s appearance.

Learn More Today

Contact Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA by calling 319-364-7108 to learn more about the need for cosmetic treatment, or schedule your next appointment with our office today.