Inflammation of the gums and teeth.From the moment you are born and well into adulthood, your smile endures a number of major concerns. Indeed, your oral health is comprised of various structures and functions, and as such, your preventive dental routine should consider each of these areas when providing protective care. Still, falling short in your routine may not seem like that big of a deal, but the truth is that is all it takes for bacteria to set up camp and infect your structures. In today’s blog, your Cedar Rapids, IA dentist discusses the importance of periodontal care and what steps you can take to prevent gum disease from affecting you.

A Common Concern

When we ask our patients what they think is the most common oral health threat out there, more often than not they respond with dental decay. While this is certainly true, it is important to remember that it is not the only concern. In fact, gum disease and infection represent a close second in terms of frequency, and many people are not aware that they have the early signs of the phenomenon, to begin with.

Periodontal disease is an infection that occurs when oral bacteria work their way beneath your gum line and contribute to the formation of plaque and tartar on your tooth roots. Because this occurs underneath your tissues, the bacteria-laden deposits are able to grow and develop relatively unbothered.

When a person experiences periodontal concerns, there are a few signs or symptoms that can be observed. For instance, you may develop swollen or bleeding gums, separation of tissues from the structures they house, and even teeth falling out on their own. To learn more about this concern, give our team a call today.

Why You Should Floss

Because your oral health includes more than just your teeth, your preventive routine should as well. As a matter of fact, your primary defense against gum disease development is flossing after meals. You see, flossing helps remove lodged food particles that attract bacteria to your gums, thus minimizing your chances of developing an infection. Further, flossing helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy and protected from bacteria, plaque, tartar, and more. For more information about this step and why it is important, contact our team today.

Additional Treatment

In many cases, periodontal infections and concerns can be treated simply when caught early on. This is one of the many reasons your dentist recommends attending a checkup every six months, as it helps identify the need for restorative treatment that can be pursued sooner rather than later.

Learn More Today

Don’t let your gum health suffer, and remember to floss after meals. Contact Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA by calling 319-364-7108 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn more about gum health today.