There are many different reasons why you might need to improve the appearance of your smile or restore one or more of your natural teeth. Choosing the right treatment depends largely on what your specific concerns are, which is why the most effective dental treatments are those that are custom-designed specifically to meet your smile’s needs. Today, we examine a few good reasons why patients often choose porcelain veneers to address their smile needs, and how the custom-designed shells of porcelain can offer substantial results while keeping your treatment process minimally invasive.

How they mimic your natural teeth

Porcelain veneers have grown increasingly more popular as a cosmetic solution for improving the appearance of one or more teeth. Veneers, which are crafted from highly lifelike dental porcelain, are designed according to highly precise measurements and molds of your teeth’s front surfaces. The veneers are bonded to the fronts of your teeth, creating a new, blemish-free, and natural-looking appearance for your smile. Because the porcelain is carefully tinted to match the unique color, shade, and shine of your healthy, natural teeth, your veneers can be crafted to be nearly indistinguishable from the rest of your smile.

Keeping your treatment conservative

The lifelike appearance of dental porcelain makes it a popular material for numerous other restorative and cosmetic dental treatments. For example, custom-made dental crowns are also often crafted from lifelike dental porcelain to create highly esthetic restorations for damaged teeth. Unlike dental crowns, however, veneers are only made to restore the front surfaces of teeth, rather than their entire crown structures. This allows you to recreate a tooth’s appearance with high-quality treatment while keeping any changes to the tooth’s natural structure minimal. In the long run, this can significantly improve the tooth’s strength and integrity, which will reduce its risks of developing any other concerns in the future.

The variety of results they can provide

Their highly esthetic appearance and minimally invasive placement make porcelain veneers an optimal solution for addressing a wide variety of concerns with the appearance of your teeth. For instance, if you have multiple teeth with stains, discoloration, chips, light cracks, odd spacing, or other issues, then an appropriate number of custom-designed veneers may be able to completely makeover your smile in just a single treatment.

Learn if you can benefit from porcelain veneers

The right number of custom-designed porcelain veneers can help you restore and improve your smile in several different ways. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, today at (319) 364-7108.