Dental appointments are more than just a biannual box to check on your schedule. Your regular checkups are part of a preventive oral health plan that can keep your teeth safe and healthy throughout your lifetime. When you miss dental appointments, you lose out on the ability to help keep your teeth vibrant for life. Caring for your teeth at home is an important part of strong oral health, but it’s also vital that you visit your dentist. Here are all the benefits that come with attending your biannual dentist appointments.

Dental Appointments Feature a Professional Cleaning of Your Teeth

A basic component of any general dentist appointment is a professional cleaning. Professional cleanings are incredibly beneficial to your teeth and gums. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at home. If you stick to this schedule you can significantly reduce your risk for cavities and gum disease. However, despite thorough cleaning, there are still some areas of your mouth that can be difficult to access. Any leftover bacteria in these areas can eventually cause cavities. During your cleaning, a trained professional will thoroughly remove all bacterial buildup to give your teeth a fresh start.

Dental Appointments Include an Examination Which Can Reveal Potential Problems

The professional cleaning removes bacterial buildup, while the examination portion of your appointment reveals any potential problems that may be developing. Tooth decay is a slow-working process that can take years to manifest itself. Using x-rays and visual examination techniques, your dentist can spot any signs of a potential problem or premature wear with your teeth. When your dentist can see problems coming, they can recommend treatment to counteract those issues.

You Lose Peace of Mind When You Miss Dental Appointments

In addition to the actual treatment that you lose out on when you miss dental appointments, you’re also losing out on peace of mind. If you’ve ever gone a couple years without visiting the dentist, you’re probably familiar with this anxiety. You worry that cavities may forming, that there will be some issue that needs treatment. This anxiety prevents you from scheduling an appointment, which in turn makes your problems worse. Don’t let this happen to you. Stay on top of your appointment schedule.

Make Your Appointments at Cedar Dental Before the End of the Year

The end of the year is coming, and if you haven’t scheduled your dentist appointment, you may miss out on your insurance benefits. Make sure to get your appointment on the books and give yourself peace of mind about your teeth. Schedule a dentist appointment at Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA by calling the office at 319-364-7108.