Smile confidently with cosmetic dentistryHave you found yourself at the movies, staring more at the stars’ perfect smiles filling the silver screen, than the storyline of the movie? When you are out with friends, do you spend more time trying to hide your teeth than enjoying your time together? When it is time to take a photo at work or school, do you dread picture day? If so, are you ready to do something more than wish for a more beautiful smile? Cosmetic dentistry offers a number of ways to help improve the smile, from reversing dark staining to improving the symmetry of missized teeth, if you are ready to make enhancement’s to your smile’s beauty, or to hide noticeable flaws, it’s time to learn what cosmetic treatment could do for you!

Whitening Treatment Can Provide Brighter Teeth Quickly

One of the most common forms of cosmetic dentistry is professional whitening treatment, and that is because stains and discoloration are common with most patients. Over time, many foods and drinks can begin to cause noticeable discoloration of your teeth’s porous enamel. Professional whitening helps reverse this aging, by lightening teeth, often by eight shades or more.

Is Bonding or Veneers the Right Option for You?

For issues related to the size or shape of your teeth, the dentist may recommend either cosmetic bonding or porcelain veneers, both of which offer comprehensive improvements. Bonding, however, is faster and more affordable, because it involves the cosmetic dentist carefully sculpting composite resin onto the teeth to conceal imperfections and create better symmetry. Porcelain veneers are finely crafted to create long-lasting results, that are extra durable and stain-resistance, compared to the resin used for bonding.